Frequently asked questions
Am I suitable for microblading?
Microblading is not suitable for all skin types. Particularly those with:
- Oily skin
- Large pores
- Problem skin, broken capillaries, acne
- Moles
- Keratosis
- Seborrheoeic Dermatisis
- Very dry or peeling skin
- Pregnant or breastfeeding
- Imminent holidays planned – the sun can significantly fade semi-permanent make up. You must be at least 2 weeks healed before going on holiday, however, I would recommend you have this treatment when you return from holiday when your tan has faded.
- Low immune system
- Some medical conditions and medications – please advise your technician as soon as possible. A doctor’s note is required for some as per my insurance guidelines; please don’t be offended if I request one.
- Those with previous semi-permanent make up still visible from another technician. I cannot work over other people’s work – they will need to be completely faded out.
This type of technique creates a very natural-looking brow to mimic the look of hairstrokes. Should you require the look of wearing make-up in your brows then I suggest opting for ombre brows instead.
Is it Painful?
It varies from person to person. Some people find the scratchy sensation sore, other people fall asleep!
Is there an age restriction?
The microblading treatment is strictly for people of the age of 18 years and older. You may be asked to bring identification.
How long does the treatment take?
You will be allocated 3 hours for your first appointment. Please allow up to 2 hours of time for your top up appointment.
Do I need to grow my brows in preparation for treatment?
No. Please ensure you tweeze/wax/thread your brows no less than 3 days before treatment.
Can I make my new brows darker than my natural colour?
This procedure does not change the colour of your natural brows but it is often possible to make them appear darker by creating more hair strokes throughout the brow. After they have healed, you will be able to tint your natural brow hair if you feel it is necessary.
Will I need to continue to have them waxed/plucked/threaded after treatment?
Yes. Microblading does not stop stray hairs from growing outside of the shape created. They can be waxed/plucked/threaded once they have fully healed.
Do I need a top up?
Once your new eyebrows have had a chance to settle down, I will invite you back for a follow-up appointment. This normally takes place after 4-6 weeks when the skin is healed from the initial procedure. I will check all is healing well, the shape of the brow and colour is approved and, if required, can look after any necessary adjustments. Occasionally, you may require a third follow-up depending on factors such as lifestyle and skin type.
Is this suitable for everyone?
No. You cannot have this treatment if pregnant or breastfeeding and some medical conditions will not allow me to go ahead with performing the treatment. For insurance purposes, I may require medical consent from your G.P that is it safe to go ahead with treatment (for example, diabetes and some medications). Please let me know as soon as possible if you have a medical condition or taking medication.
Will they be completely symmetrical?
Only if your face is completely symmetrical – which is highly unlikely! I use a measuring technique to map your new brows out. Factors such as muscle tone and bone structure will affect the symmetry of your eyebrows. Sometimes I can add hair strokes in places outside of the measured brows to create the illusion of better symmetry.

Ombre Powdered Brows
Am I suitable?
Unlike microblading, Ombre brows are suitable for almost all skin types.
Top Up
Once your new eyebrows have had a chance to settle down, I will invite you back for a follow-up appointment. This normally takes place after 4-6 weeks when the skin is healed from the initial procedure. I will check all is healing well, the shape of the brow and colour is approved and, if required, can look after any necessary adjustments.
Over time and with sun exposure the colour of your eyebrows will fade. I recommend follow-up appointments in order to apply a colour boost. These appointments are recommended every 12-18 months in order to maximise the longevity of your new eyebrows.

So what exactly is Hyaluronic Acid and why is it so beneficial?
Is it worth it?
The effects of Profhilo are subtle but immediate. You will see a difference straight away after the first treatment with skin looking brighter and smoother. As time goes on these effects are enhanced and can last up to six months, depending on the individual patient.
What are the risks & side effects?
No allergy test is required prior to treatment. The risk of allergic reactions is substantially reduced because Profhilo does not contain any synthetic chemicals which some people might react to.
Some people may experience redness, slight bruising, tenderness as well as itching at the injection sites but these were temporary and should resolve within a few hours to a day.
Am I a good candidate for Profhilo®?
If you’re looking for very subtle results, this treatment delivers.
Does it hurt?

Neostrata chemical peel
Is a chemical peel right for me?
Are chemical peels painful?

Opening Times
Mon- Sat 9am-6pm
(excluding Bank Holidays)
Sundays appointments exclusively available with extra charges.
Free Parking